Former Hasbro designer, development and product manager Andy Couzens will be selling high quality A3 prints of R&D designs, sketches and notes from his table at TFNation 2022. The prints offer a rare and fantastic look into the design process and include Stalker, Rotorstorm and the Decepticon StormTroopers!  Andy will also be selling prints of one of the more popular and reused Action Man vehicles from the early 2000s.

The prints will numbered and signed by Andy at the event costing £25 each.

Andy will also have his presentation folder with him covering various toylines including G.I.Joe, Transformers, Micro Machines, Action Man, Bucky o'Hare and Robotix. Andy will be taking orders for prints of those items at the show.

You can view some examples of the prints below. If you are interested and wish to reserve some prints please email at