One aspect of TFNation that we have yet to reveal is our convention guide which, along with event schedules and listings, will also contain articles on aspects of the TF franchise, as well as artwork, created especially for us, by artists from within our community. These folks have been working away for almost the last year on a myriad of ideas… some for 2016, and some with an eye to the future.

With August swiftly approaching, it seems right to give our attendees a peek at what is being produced, and to give a shout-out to the talented people who have supported us, behind-the-scenes.

This first piece is from Herzspalter and celebrates the various forms taken by our lovable boffin, Perceptor, in honour of special guest Paul Eiding. For more of her work check out

More details of the pack, along with travel and hotel updates will soon be added to our social media pages, so stay tuned!